Date Archives February 2024

I Will Trust

I am old enough to use euphemisms like “I’ve been through some storms” or “I’ve experienced the turbulence of a hurricane blowing through life”. The good thing about these phrases is that it’s so general anyone can fit their situations in it. It could be anything from someone hurting our feelings, missing the bus or the grief of losing someone precious.

Are you going through a storm? I’m sure you are. Everyone goes through something at some point. And if it’s not today, I pray this word finds your heart when that time comes.

But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. ‭‭Psalms 56:3 NLT‬‬ 

Or this one: ‭‭

You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah. Psalm 32:7 ESV‬‬

I have observed that God is a choice. What I mean is I can choose fear or I can choose God. I can choose to hide in Him or be battered by the winds of life. Constantly we must decide life or death. And God begs us to choose the path of life.‭ (Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV‬‬)

To “put my trust” is active, not passive. It doesn’t come naturally, it comes by choice. What does that choice look like? It is reminding myself of all the ways He’s come through before and declaring that since His character does not and has not changed He will come through again. 

I have learned and yet I am still learning to hold to 3 immutable truths:

  1. God is good. He can be nothing else but good. Therefore if my circumstance does not look or feel good then He will work it out for my good. ALWAYS
  2. I am loved by Love Himself. God is love and He loves me. So I can be confident that my trust won’t be wasted
  3. God is Emmanuel. He is with us. He is with me. He has never left nor will He ever forsake me.

With these truths, I’m learning to hide. Notice the present continuous verbs I use. Each storm is different some more fearsome than the other. Some storms cause me to chuckle. I’m confident like a superhero staring down an inferior enemy. Some storms though, cause my innards to shake and my knees to buckle under the pressure. Some storms make me want to hide in bed and not want to face the day. In those storms, I must learn to hide again. Hide in the truth of who God is and who He is to me. 

I promise you. He will come through. It may not look like how you imagined but somehow He always does.

Be encouraged today. God is worthy of your trust. Declare it till you see it. Declare it till you believe it: I will trust.

Write Fully Yours

Lady Kavan

Simple Obedience

“God will not do by miracles what you can do by simple obedience”


Simple obedience and miracles

Last night in our small group discussion, my Naija sis gave us this nugget of wisdom often repeated by her father. Man, that thing hit me like a brick falling off a 10-storey building. Even while I tried to settle to sleep the phrase kept ricocheting off my heart like an echo with nowhere else to go. 

What have I been earnestly praying for that merely requires my obedience? What move have I been scared to take so I sit praying for my miracle to be delivered like an Amazon package? Meanwhile, God is waiting on my obedient action. 

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2: 17 – 18

Faith in Action

James wrote his letter to the messianic Jews scattered outside of Jerusalem at the time. It seems he aimed to impart necessary wisdom and encourage the believers to live in a way true to Jesus’ teachings. In chapter 2, he points to the duplicity of speaking words that sound full of faith but are not backed by action. Faith, as a currency not backed by action, is like paper with dollar signs not backed by gold or a country’s support and sign-off. It’s worthless, monopoly money!.

Have I been trading in true faith or monopoly money? What goals spiritual, physical, emotional, and professional have I set without putting in the work to get there? What vision has God inspired that has remained in our heads and has not made it to paper much less to action?

Now listen to what I’m not saying. We don’t work to earn God’s favour or get in his good books. Instead, our faith-filled work is because we already have his favour and affection. We are already loved, saved and blessed. And as my kids would say point blank period!

An insecure child will earnestly work to prove that they are worthy and that’s not what we are talking about here. In contrast, a child secure in their parents’ love will do things to make them happy just because

Today I’m really challenged by this. Is my miracle waiting on my simple obedience? Selah

Write Fully Yours

Lady Kavan