Date Archives September 2022

Healing is My Bread

Devotional – September 27 2022

Healing is My Bread

‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ Matthew 6:11


'Then Jesus left and went north into the non-Jewish region of Lebanon. He encountered there a Canaanite woman who shouted out to him, “Lord, Son of David, show mercy to me! My daughter is horribly afflicted by a demon that torments her.” But Jesus never answered her. So his disciples said to him, “Why do you ignore this woman who is crying out to us?” Jesus said, “I’ve only been sent to the lost sheep of Israel.” But she came and bowed down before him and said, “Lord, help me!” Jesus responded, “It’s not right for a man to take bread from his children and throw it out to the dogs.” “You’re right, Lord,” she replied. “But even puppies get to eat the crumbs that fall from the prince’s table.” Then Jesus answered her, “Dear woman, your faith is strong! What you desire will be done for you.” And at that very moment, her daughter was instantly set free from demonic torment.' Matthew 15:21-28


In our text today, Jesus describes healing as bread for His children. What is bread? Across cultures everywhere, bread is basic essential food; naan, roti, flatbread, sliced bread, a descriptor for nourishment, heavenly carbs! Earlier in Matthew 7 Jesus taught His disciples to pray for asking for “daily bread”. As we reflect on this passage, a woman outside of covenant with God begged for her daughter’s healing. She was willing to satisfy with the crumbs from the table laden with the bread of healing. She received her request through faith. How much more should we expect healing as sons and daughters invited to the banquet of Christ?

 I believe daily bread refers not only to physical nourishment but to healing on all levels of our beings. Yes, we need healing in our mortal bodies and we should expect it, pray for it, and consider it done until we see it manifested in the physical realm. But, too often we neglect the deeper work of healing in our mind, will and emotions. The apostle prayed in 3 Jn 1 that we prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. This speaks to healing of the whole person body soul and spirit. Last week, I attended a counseling session where the Holy Spirit revealed an area in my heart that He was ready to address. It circled around an issue I’ve been dealing with and healing from for a long time.  You see, what sometimes feels like battling the “same issue” is actually God saying I am healing the issue at a deeper level. I heal hearts in layers, says God.

I encourage you today, ask for your daily bread.

Remember it includes the provision of your physical needs as well as for our emotional, mental and spiritual ones as well. Remember Jesus paid for your healing and wholeness with His life. ‘But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. ‘ Isaiah 53:5

Song of the Week:

Journal Prompt: 

Where do you need healing today?


Healing is my bread! Healing is my birthright as a Child of God


Have a great week!

See you next week for another Devotional by Lady Kavan.

To read more from Lady Kavan, check out her blog 

You can find Lady Kavan on Amazon. Follow this link for an overview of her available books

In the meantime

Monday Devotional – September 19 2022

In the meantime

“The first thing I observed under the sun was that we spend most of our lives waiting. There is always going to be a gap between where we are and where we want to be in some aspect of our lives. Everyone is waiting for something” Lady Kavan (Lessons in the Wait)


'But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.' Isaiah 40:31


I’ve heard it said that when we pray God gives one of  three answers; yes , no or wait. Of those three words the one that causes me the most sleepless nights, obsessive overthinking, tears, discomfort, weariness and sometimes outright anger is”wait”. I do not like waiting. Last year around this time I prepared a piece called Lessons in the Wait which was posted on Crystal Daye’s website. I find it interesting that sometimes a word of encouragement boldly declared in one season to another person is the same one you have to draw from to encourage yourself in another. Alas, as I reflect on this popular scripture in the amplified verson, my thoughts have been coming back to this concept of active waiting. What do I do while I wait for the next promise, the next opportunity the next thing?

For a long time my image of waiting was passive, still and inactive. These days I have come to understand the concept as one that more closely aligns with a waiter serving at a busy restaurant. To wait tables is to actively tend to the needs of the people you serve. A waiter who saunters, is lackluster or who sits relaxed while his guests are left in limbo is not seen as doing their job. So too must we learn to accept and practice active waiting.

What we do “in the meantime” matters. 

As I continue to learn to submit to the Sovereign will of God I realize that I will not always like His answers. But God is more concerned with teaching me to see, and walk in,  the  image of Himself He created me to be, rather than temporary comfort. So I remind myself, look for the lessons while you wait. Pray and do. Trust, expect, look for and hope in God while you fly, run and walk. That kind of waiting gives strength. 

Finally I leave this thought and scripture with you. A skilled farmer trains himself in times and seasons. He ploughs, plants and prunes. He puts in the work preparing for a harvest he hopes for but cant 100% definitively predict. He expects that if he sews a harvest is inevitable the “when” is up to God, science and nature. So must we sew in every area of our lives that we expect a harvest. ‘Meanwhile, brothers and sisters, we must be patient and filled with expectation as we wait for the appearing of the Lord. Think about the farmer who has to patiently wait for the earth’s harvest as it ripens because of the early and latter rains. So you also, keep your hopes high and be patient, for the presence of the Lord is drawing closer. ‘ James (Jacob) 5:7-8

Song of the Week:

Journal Prompt: 

What am I waiting for?

How can I actively wait (what steps of faith can I take while I wait?)


I will actively wait on the Lord. I will pray and do. I will have faith and work towards my goals.


Have a great week!

See you next week for another Devotional by Lady Kavan.

To read more from Lady Kavan, check out her blog 

You can find Lady Kavan on Amazon. Follow this link for an overview of her available books

Same Power

Monday Devotional – September 12 2022

Same Power

‘The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. ‘ Romans 8:11


'After the Sabbath ended, at the first light of dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to take a look at the tomb. Suddenly, the earth shook violently beneath their feet as the angel of the Yahweh descended from heaven. Lightning flashed around him and his robe was dazzling white! The guards were stunned and terrified—lying motionless like dead men. Then the angel walked up to the tomb, rolled away the stone, and sat on top of it! The women were breathless and terrified, until the angel said to them, “There’s no reason to be afraid. I know you’re here looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here—he has risen victoriously, just as he said! Come inside the tomb and see the place where our Lord was lying. Then run and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead! I give you his message: ‘I am going ahead of you to Galilee and you will see me there.’ ”  Matthew 28:1-7 


We don’t often speak about the resurrection outside of Easter, but today I felt impressed with a singular thought and message. Resurrection lives inside of us. The same Spirit that caused a man, Jesus, who was dead for three days to get up, fold his clothes and walk away, has a residence card for the city of our hearts. Think about it. Today’s reflection will not be long or wordy. We have access to the same power and authority that shook earth physically, dismantled the stronghold of demonic forces spiritually and changed the course of history. Have we tapped into that authority or does the enemy still get to pound us on every side without any fight back?

Indeed, the Holy Spirit is challenging me now about ways I’ve allowed the enemy to hijack my thoughts and rob my peace. Today, I declare no more. Will you? 

Song of the Week:

Journal Prompt: 

List the ways the Holy Spirit is prompting you to use your authority in this season.

Pray and ask Him how. Write down what He says.


The same Spirit and power that rose Christ from the dead lives in me. I have the authority to dismiss every evil plan and scheme the enemy has in my life and I will use that authority today!


Have a great week!

See you next week for another Devotional by Lady Kavan.

To read more from Lady Kavan, check out her blog 

You can find Lady Kavan on Amazon. Follow this link for an overview of her available books

The Lion and the Lamb

Monday Devotional – September 5 2022

The Lion and the Lamb

“And every knee will bow before the lion and the lamb.  Every knee will bow before Him (Bethel Music)”

A Lion and A Lamb


'But one of the twenty-four elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David’s throne, has won the victory. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Then I saw a Lamb that looked as if it had been slaughtered, but it was now standing between the throne and the four living beings and among the twenty-four elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which represent the sevenfold Spirit of God that is sent out into every part of the earth. He stepped forward and took the scroll from the right hand of the one sitting on the throne. And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. And they sang a new song with these words: “You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals and open it. For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth.” 'Revelation 5:5-10


During the worship session on Sunday, we sang the Lion and the Lamb by Bethel Worship and the song has been on mental auto repeat since. I keep reflecting on the oxymoron that Jesus is declared in scripture to be both a Lion and a lamb. In the animal kingdom, you couldn’t find two animals more opposing in character; one fierce, the other meek, one a predator, the other one a prey.

So how can these two titles be declared of the same God? As Lion, Jesus remains undefeated and mighty to fight our battles. He has already conquered the enemy so that we can fight our adversaries from a position of victory. Yet that same Jesus, ‘Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. ‘ Philippians 2:6-8

This is the truth of the Kingdom of God: the first shall be last and the last first, to give is more blessed than to receive (Read Matthew 5 – 7). Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah became the Lamb that was slain to save us from sin. What beauty to wield infinite power but choose to voluntarily lay it down for us to be able to come close to Him? The thought is too deep to truly grasp. Praise Jesus!

Beyond causing us to feel overwhelming gratitude and to dive into deep praise, how does Jesus as the Lion and the Lamb help us to walk through our days on this side of eternity?

We are joint heirs with Jesus and we have been consigned to a measure of authority on this earth through His name. Yet we are called to walk in humility, not thinking of ourselves too lofty. As Christ followers, we are called to love even those who make it difficult.

We are called to do what is right, to love mercy and walk humbly. At the same time, we do not give the enemy a foothold in our lives, we fight with weapons mighty through God to tear down strongholds and to silence principalities, powers and every evil thing. But we were never called to use that authority to tear down people. Humans we are called to love, as a matter of will not emotion. We ought to be both lions and lambs as the Holy Spirit leads.

If we truly read the “love verse” 1 Corinthians 13, it does not frame love as an emotion but rather a set of choices we make moment by moment to be an extension and a representative of Christ in the earth. Let’s choose love this week. Let’s be lions and lambs.

Song of the Week:

Journal Prompt: 

This week, ask God to show you in what areas of your life do you need to be more the lion than the lamb and vice versa.


I fight a defeated enemy. Jesus who is both the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Lamb that was slain is my example. I will be both lion and lamb today.


Have a great week!

See you next week for another Devotional by Lady Kavan.

To read more from Lady Kavan, check out her blog 

You can find Lady Kavan on Amazon. Follow this link for an overview of her available books

Photo by Luke Tanis on Unsplash

Photo by Daniel Sandvik on Unsplash