Posts tagged loved

Up and Thankful

I have a friend Liz (Elizabeth Stanley) who is battling with cancer. Each morning I look for her status updates on WhatsApp…. “Up and thankful” she says every morning. She goes on to extol God in a few updates declaring Him her healer or whatever perspective she has of God that morning. It’s never the same updates either, not copy and pasted from yesterday. She posts pics of her family and all the people she loves. It is beautiful. She battles the scary monsters in her life with gratitude.

I imagine that every morning can’t feel like sunshine and roses but she declares who her God is, not what she is going through. Scripture says in everything in all circumstances give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Everything? All things? Nah maybe that should read most things or some things. Yet, when I get complainy and agitated that my circumstance doesn’t reflect my expectation, that scripture whispers to my soul. I’ll admit, sometimes I do an internal eye roll and think You must be kidding. I take a deep breath and I start grasping at what feels like straws scattered across motionful ocean. But as I begrudgingly note the little things I am grateful for I start finding more. The straws become logs or a door I can lay on until the rescue boat arrives. I’m sorry if you didn’t get that Titanic reference but it was too easy not to use. I digress.

Up and thankful! I am alive and clearly if you are reading this so are you. Believe me, if you think of your darkest day, the day that makes you cringe when you think about it, even that day has some thing you can be grateful for. On my darkest day the best of us was stolen from us but it could have been six of us. On that day every device of value was stolen except the one resting prominently on the chest of drawers a gift Chris had sacrificed to buy for Matthew. It would be the last one. See gratitude is possible.

Think back on your D-day. What can you be thankful for? And if that day isn’t today it should be easier to make a list. If you need to write them down so you can repeat them through the day. Do that.

Today I’m grateful for…

You taking the time to read my posts

I am physically well

I am loved and I know it

My boys did not wake me up early, they let me sleep in

My Family

God’s peace that rests in my heart in a way I cant understand

The deals I’m believing for when I go to the supermarket today. 🙂

Now it’s your turn. Post your gratitude list in the comment section below.

Write Fully Yours
Lady Kavan