Devotional – September 27 2022

Healing is My Bread

‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ Matthew 6:11


'Then Jesus left and went north into the non-Jewish region of Lebanon. He encountered there a Canaanite woman who shouted out to him, “Lord, Son of David, show mercy to me! My daughter is horribly afflicted by a demon that torments her.” But Jesus never answered her. So his disciples said to him, “Why do you ignore this woman who is crying out to us?” Jesus said, “I’ve only been sent to the lost sheep of Israel.” But she came and bowed down before him and said, “Lord, help me!” Jesus responded, “It’s not right for a man to take bread from his children and throw it out to the dogs.” “You’re right, Lord,” she replied. “But even puppies get to eat the crumbs that fall from the prince’s table.” Then Jesus answered her, “Dear woman, your faith is strong! What you desire will be done for you.” And at that very moment, her daughter was instantly set free from demonic torment.' Matthew 15:21-28


In our text today, Jesus describes healing as bread for His children. What is bread? Across cultures everywhere, bread is basic essential food; naan, roti, flatbread, sliced bread, a descriptor for nourishment, heavenly carbs! Earlier in Matthew 7 Jesus taught His disciples to pray for asking for “daily bread”. As we reflect on this passage, a woman outside of covenant with God begged for her daughter’s healing. She was willing to satisfy with the crumbs from the table laden with the bread of healing. She received her request through faith. How much more should we expect healing as sons and daughters invited to the banquet of Christ?

 I believe daily bread refers not only to physical nourishment but to healing on all levels of our beings. Yes, we need healing in our mortal bodies and we should expect it, pray for it, and consider it done until we see it manifested in the physical realm. But, too often we neglect the deeper work of healing in our mind, will and emotions. The apostle prayed in 3 Jn 1 that we prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. This speaks to healing of the whole person body soul and spirit. Last week, I attended a counseling session where the Holy Spirit revealed an area in my heart that He was ready to address. It circled around an issue I’ve been dealing with and healing from for a long time.  You see, what sometimes feels like battling the “same issue” is actually God saying I am healing the issue at a deeper level. I heal hearts in layers, says God.

I encourage you today, ask for your daily bread.

Remember it includes the provision of your physical needs as well as for our emotional, mental and spiritual ones as well. Remember Jesus paid for your healing and wholeness with His life. ‘But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. ‘ Isaiah 53:5

Song of the Week:

Journal Prompt: 

Where do you need healing today?


Healing is my bread! Healing is my birthright as a Child of God


Have a great week!

See you next week for another Devotional by Lady Kavan.

To read more from Lady Kavan, check out her blog 

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