The Call

I hear the distinct whisper,  a call as it were, to a deeper romance with the Creator of all that is.

As He hovered over the darkness of the deep waters in the beginning, so He hovers over me.

He commands light to enter my secret place and calls it day, for my night has passed. 

I hear the whisper…

Let Me love you, all of you.

Not just the places you feel worthy to bring but all the messy parts too.

He says: I can use all of it. I weave all things together to create a poem and a symphony called “good”.

I am Love. That means I am patient, kind and I keep no score of being wronged.

Let Me Love you, so you can heal, Let Me love you so you can be.

Let Me Love you, so that you can move beyond breathing to pressing towards the mark of the prize of My higher calling through Christ Jesus.

I died for you.

I surrendered My body as a sacrifice to bring you closer because you could not make your way to Me. Let Me Love you.

The Response

God intrigues me. He really does. That He would want to look upon earthen vessels, subjects of His creation and fill them with Himself, fill them with Love is simply too vast a concept to understand.

Yet that is what He does. There isn’t much more to say except that when I heard the call today, I knew it was not singular.

It was not just a call for Lady Kavan. It is a call He has consistently made from the Garden of Eden till now.

He longs for a relationship with His creation. God beckoned to Adam in the garden “where are you?” not because He wanted a geographical response. He wanted a shift in heart position and wants the same still.

He is calling and His question is this.  Will you let Me Love you?

Full Disclosure: I received these prophetic words about a year ago. I wrote this piece and submitted it for publishing and it was never published. As I sat today, I was reminded of it. I know the Holy Spirit is intentional, There is someone who needs to be reminded…. Let Him love you… Selah

Write Fully Yours,

Lady Kavan

To read more from Lady Kavan, check out her blog or her books