Two years in and the pandemic is still a thing huh. The C word is still unfortunately a buzzword. Confusion, controversy, conspiracy and calamity collude to create chaos. Careful Kavanaugh don’t lose them in the alliterations! The bottom line is the world is declaring a dismal discourse about the state of the world that makes me dizzy. Earth still feels like a sucky place to be. But is it though?

As I reflected on 2021, I admittedly had my fair share of chaos and pain. Loved ones went to be with the Lord, work stress was through the roof, witnessing a parent decline in health, my laptop crashed with full data loss among other personal struggles certainly made the year, shall I say interesting. But if I’m being really honest, the overarching and overwhelming feeling was genuine gratitude. A small part of me felt guilty to experience the anti-narrative. But the more I meditated the more I realized that what I have is grace in chaos.

Grace is God’s unmerited favour and blessing given to us. I certainly do not deserve it yet it is freely given. This favour has allowed me to access some pretty cool things and to really laugh, relax and enjoy my life in a way I haven’t in a long time. So, when I asked God what word I should share to encourage my readers, for my first post of 2022, the word God gave to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 came to mind. “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” 

In the original context of the scripture, Paul was asking God to take away a thorn in His flesh. Scholars haven’t figured out what this thorn is but it provides a solid yet generic enough metaphor to be broad sweeping and effective. What have you been asking God to get rid of? What is that annoying, painful, anxiety inducing challenge in your life that is not going away? Whatever it is God provides grace in the chaos and it is enough. The trick though is accepting that grace. We have to release what we cannot ourselves change or fix into the hands of the only ONE who is in full control. Until change comes (if it comes) and even after it comes we give thanks. Always.

I wrote a 2021 gratitude list – I limited it to 12 things (one for each month). Here goes:

  1. Spending time with Mom (COVID trapped her here for 10 months)
  2. Carlton finally arrived in Canada so we could be reunited as a family
  3. Surviving COVID
  4. Several Podcast features and interviews
  5. Technology upgrades – new laptop, earbuds, phone et al
  6. A healthy marriage
  7. A cozy place to live at a great price
  8. Improved credit score
  9. A community of Christians that I can do life with
  10. Dancing – teaching and ministering – God awakened a sleeping gift
  11. Improving my gut health (that’s a long story, just praise God for my deliverance)
  12. First Christmas since I’ve been married to Carlton that we have been in the same place.

I dare you to share yours.

Write Fully Yours,

Lady Kavan


  1. Porscha January 9, 2022 at 4:52 AM

    I love when you said God provides grance in the chaos and it is enough. I enjoyed the entire piece and I’m going to write me a list as well

  2. O'Neil Campbell January 9, 2022 at 5:28 AM

    Short and sweet. I’m happy for the blessings you had experienced in 2021. I could write a list but me too lazy to maths that up right yah now so I will continue to enjoy what you have written down 🙂. Blessings

  3. Pam January 10, 2022 at 2:50 AM

    God graciously show me this past year, who I am to Him. I did an “I am journal”. My “I Am” journal
    I am enough
    I have enough
    I am a servant of God
    I am known
    I am held
    I am fearfully and wonderfully made
    I am seen
    I am renewing day by day
    I am seated with Christ above principalities
    I am forgiven
    I am valuable
    I am created to do good works
    I am a warrior
    I am confident
    I am chosen
    I am blessed
    I am an encourager
    I am a mentor
    I am compassionate.
    I am a reflection of God
    I am content
    I am clothed in beauty
    I matter
    I am worthy of reciprocal love.
    I mentor
    I am mental health coach

    1. Lady Kavan - Site Author January 10, 2022 at 4:34 AM

      This fills me with soooo much JOY Pam… I absolutely love this!